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Tactical Neck Gaiter - Half Balaclava Style for Skiing, Snowboarding, Motorcycling & Cold Weather Winter Sports. Protect Your Nose, Mouth, Ears and Neck from the Elements

Tactical Neck Gaiter - Half Balaclava Style for Skiing, Snowboarding, Motorcycling & Cold Weather Winter Sports. Protect Your Nose, Mouth, Ears and Neck from the Elements

Protect Your Nose, Mouth, Ears and Neck from the Elements


  • ULTIMATE PROTECTION from COLD, WIND, DUST & UV: Our balaclava protects you against the elements whether you blaze down the slopes like Shaun White, shovel snow faster than a John Deere snowblower or motorcycle in the desert like Mad Max.
  • ULTIMATE COMFORT: Imagine cold blistery snow and sleet hitting you...and a smile on your face. No problem, you say. Our stretchy, breathable fabric protects your face while wicking away moisture. The fleece lining retains heat. To prevent stuffiness, our balaclavas feature mesh breathing panels to increase airflow while minimizing condensation on your goggles. That's why you're smiling.
  • ULTIMATE VERSATILITY: Wear it over your mouth and nose as a face mask, or pull it down and wear it as a neck gaiter. People use our balaclavas for skiing, snowboarding, riding, ATVing, hunting, construction, warehouse work and shoveling snow.
  • YOUR EARS WILL THANK YOU: Your half clava neck gaiter contains slots for your ears, making sure they stay warm and groovy like you. You won't be caught with your gaiter (or pants) down as you bomb down hills.know more...


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